Getting Started with Adobe Alerts

Analysis entry for Adobe submitted on 10/31/2017 7:31:03 PM by Cathy Morse

I recently set up some alerts in Adobe Analytics Workspace and what I learned is that you can monitor a lot without much effort. The low hanging fruit is to track all your events in one alert. The set up is so fast. You just open a new alert and drag in all your metrics that you want to track. This includes the instances of evars, which will at least tell you that your evars are firing as often as they have in the past.
Now, it won’t the values being passed in your evars or props. You will need to set up more complicated alerts for that. But you can get really far just using metrics.

What I did was set up one for my commerce site and then applied segments for the different regions, since each region has their own code base. Then I set up one for my content sites and applied relevant segments there as well. The benefit of adding segments is that the calculations will occur within those respective data sets, giving you even more confidence in your data.

I chose the “anomaly exceeds 95%” test. This will check to see if your metric counts are outside the normal range for the lookback window (which is dependent on your granularity). You can select the confidence interval you would like. If you have a few metrics that are super important you may want to select those ranges to be tighter.

I’ve had these set up for about a week and it’s working well. When I get an alert email, there’s enough information in the email itself that I can decide whether I want to drill deeper. If I do, I can click straight into the Workspace alert results and see the data in graphical form.

There’s so much more you can do with Adobe Alerts, but this will get you off to a running start with minimal efforts.

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